Elven Prince — In Gregg Simplified Shorthand

I hope this is an original story, but suspect I drew too heavily from the source material. Sigh. Good for penmanship samples and Open Mic nights, but not much more. elven prince gregg Please comment on the Gregg group if you can, otherwise I'll copy so the conversation is in one place. https://gregg-shorthand.com/2019/11/12/elven-prince/

Shorthand Dictation Files

Shorthand is a hobby of mine, but I don't know anyone who dictates at learners' speeds as a hobby. So, I started creating my own files. Then I decided to share them: http://www.cricket.onebit.ca/Shorthand/HomePage So far it's only a few chapters of Gregg Simplified, but I'm willing to add more methods. Once I have a decent … Continue reading Shorthand Dictation Files

Shorthand Dictation with Audacity

Remember the complicated method, where I typed in the passage, then used text-to-speech (after first putting in codes for pauses)? The un-natural sounding dictation and random reminders that I was too cheap to buy the licensed version? It's history. Honoured history, but still history. The new method involves reading at a reasonably constant speed (or … Continue reading Shorthand Dictation with Audacity

Shorthand Milestone: 60 wpm Cold and 80 wpm Drilled, and Better Dictation Method

The first dictation practice today seemed a bit fast, but just within reach, so I checked the math I used for the dictation. It was 10 wpm faster than I had intended. Instead of a cold take at 50, I had just finished 60. So, I added 10 wpm to each step of my usual … Continue reading Shorthand Milestone: 60 wpm Cold and 80 wpm Drilled, and Better Dictation Method

Milestone Met! 70wpm for prepared passage.

A successful take at 70 wpm, without needing to overshoot and drop down again! I worked up to it over four takes. I always do a slower take or two, and check against the text, before working up. When I really want to push the speed, I then do one at target, one at +10wpm, … Continue reading Milestone Met! 70wpm for prepared passage.

Shhhh, Don’t Tell

I've switched shorthand methods again. For those not following, last summer I had committed to the most difficult edition of Gregg Shorthand, namely Anniversary. It's also the one with the highest speed potential, if you use the advanced tricks and really work at it. (And I bet you didn't know there were different types of … Continue reading Shhhh, Don’t Tell